US troops to begin aid mission on Vanuatu island

Richard Butler | | July 14th 2018 U.S. troops will conduct humanitarian operations next week on a South Pacific island that, some have speculated, is eyed by China as a potential overseas military base. About 65 U.S. troops will provide humanitarian...

The Self-Serving Scramble for the Developing World

Richard Butler | Foreign Policy Journal | July 3rd 2018 The tiny Pacific nation of Vanuatu is only the latest developing nation to fall victim to a highly disturbing trend: regional economic giants—in this case China and Australia—playing out their personal rivalries...

New City

Richard Butler | Daily Post | June 6th 2018 An ambitious new project is emerging at Narpow Point on Efate. The construction of a new modern city, dubbed the “Rainbow International City” and “Little Singapore”, by the FPF Company Limited is underway. It is scheduled to...