Masters in Paradise

Post By Richard Butler | 6th June 2016 | “Masters in Paradise” is the title of the annual regatta held on Port Vial’s Second Lagoon. If you are expecting state of the art rowing sculls, you will certainly see them – but not surprisingly for...

Land of 1000 Dancers

Post by Richard Butler | 26th April 2016 | An article by Anita Roberts with the above title has appeared in the Vanuatu Daily Post. (See extract below) This is excellent news for those wanting to move to, invest in, or do business in Vanuatu. It augers well for future...

Malekula Island flagged for progress

Staff writer Adrian Hunter | 21st April 2016 | On a visit to Lakatoro, Malekula Island, Prime Minister Charlot Salwai reiterated government’s responsibility to support the residents of the island by providing road, shipping, telecoms and aviation services to enable...

First Power Purchase agreement signed

Vanuatu Daily Post January 15, 2016 Tuesday this week witnessed a major development in the country’s energy sector as authorities put pens to paper to formalize a power purchasing agreement for the first Grid Connected Solar System in Port Vila. This project refers to...