028: The Elephant in the Plane
No, not “the elephant in the room” . . . the one we need to talk about is “The Elephant on the Plane!” It’s all very well to talk about…
027: Beware the Ides of March
In podcast 026 Richard expounds on the 237-year property cycle (no, he wasn’t there at the start!).
What’s the logical result for Vanuatu?
026: Tick Tock 237 Years
In podcast 026 Richard expounds on the 237-year property cycle (no, he wasn’t there at the start!).
What’s the logical result for Vanuatu?
024: Giuseppe Porcelli’s Vision for Vanuatu
Listen in as Lakeba Group CEO Giuseppe Porcelli outlines for Richard and Lance his forward-thinking concepts for Vanuatu to move ahead into emerging technologies – one clean export that is immune to travel restrictions!