“Plan B” is very affordable…

* Two questions on this week’s show:
– Is the real estate boom in Australia over?
– Has Sydney become unaffordable?
* Plus: How did the bulldozer cross the straights from Port Vila Efate to Malekula and why?!?
You will enjoy listening to this week’s broadcast. Brian Thomas and I discuss in depth the state of the real estate market in booming Australia’s states and cities.
It was satisfying to notice that my prediction about smaller block sizes in Sydney came true only three days later. But I will let you listen to get the full story on that.
Also on this week’s show, how this will cause an increase of investment into one of the smallest countries in the world: the Republic of Vanuatu.

How did the bull dozer cross the straits from Port Vila, Efate to Malekula… and why? (Hint: in the footer below, look for red!)
 Click Here and enjoy the show!Until next time…
Richard Butler
p.s. By the time you read this I will be in Vanuatu again, but the phone numbers below will still get to me.
p.p.s. Make sure you whitelist my email address if you haven’t already: soon I will tell you how you can get a week on us at Pacific Haven whether you invest now or not.
p.p.p.s. Why not forward to a friend? http://fairgocom.net.au/contact/sendfriend.php?M=25406&C=55e7ea18d9a2e608d6ac30acaa3e8cf3&L=28&N=39&F=14&i=16
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