The Australian market is practically atomic right now and people are not hesitant to take advantage of that. I have seen some houses that were bought in the 1960’s sold at more than 30 times the price. However there has been some disparity like in Sydney which at around 73% auction clearance rate is down (only slightly) from last week. Houses in the coastal areas are expected to see a lot of action in this rising real estate market.

The “ripple effect” started here in Sydney… now spreading rapidly.
Randy Mitchell joins us again from Oklahoma where winter has just started and food prices are going up. Randy talks about IRA accounts and how to use them. He explains how inflation has hit hard and how much it costs to maintain his standard of living.

No wonder Randy wants to move to a tropical paradise!
Randy plans on opening up the US Market to the South Pacific. The low cost of property and investment has attracted lots of people like Randy from the US. The fact that 40% of our South Pacific Plantations Limited investors in Vanuatu are from the US shows that people want their money to escape to a place where they get usable returns on their investment… and a tropical paradise filled with nature and ocean is certainly an additional incentive!

After listening to the show, see the details here.
The cat’s out of the bag! There is a new Vanuatu company forming.Called Melanesian Waterfront Real Estate Limited, it will be dealing with real estate marketing with a specific focus on off-shore investors, relocates and retirees. We are told it will also soon be able to help with local sales of high-end waterfront homes utilising a new Escape Artist real estate portal which has a worldwide exposure – and we are informed that gets over a million visits a month.
Look forward to this international release. “Watch this space” also for announcement of a new short-term rental division to assist with hands-on experience for group bookings.
There is already a dynamic international 7-person group in place, all of them rarin’ to go and most, we have been advised, have already purchased property in Vanuatu themselves.
This will be another step for helping investors to come to know fabulous Vanuatu, which we believe is “on the cusp” of great things in so many ways.
Don’t just dream!
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Please enjoy this week’s show

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