Vanuatu Daily Post December 25, 2015

Boeng NG 737-800 in flight
Air Vanuatu’s new Boeing NGB737-800 will deliver superior reliability, fuel efficiency with lower maintenance and operating costs and offer an improved passenger service.
“These high value returns are required in today’s competitive market,” chief executive officer Joseph Laloyer announced.

Boeng NG 737-800 (of course, the new one will be painted in Air Vanuatu style)
The new aircraft, which is certified two tonnes lighter than its predecessor, will further enhance its fuel burn efficiency and reduce its carbon foot print for the environment, concurrently saving the airline millions of vatu a year.
“Fuel efficiency is of critical importance to all airlines, however passenger comfort is of equal importance to Air Vanuatu,” Mr. Laloyer said.
The enhanced cabin, including a Boeing Sky Interior features a welcoming entry to create a distinctive and positive experience; new cabin architecture for an even more open look and feel; LED lighting to enhance the sense of spaciousness; a quieter cabin achieved with improved cabin noise suppression and bigger hand baggage compartments.
WiFi entertainment will be available to all passengers and business class will have in-seat power as well.
The galley will also be lighter, sturdier and meet the needs of a full service airline.
“Our new aircraft is state of the art and will result in a more efficient operation for the airline, in tune with our restructure process,” Mr. Laloyer said.
The aircraft is expected to arrive in Port Vila on February 1, 2016.