Amazing limited opportunity for investment and residency only US55,000
Richard Butler and Lance on this week’s podcast are advising of an opportunity that will assist Vanuatu to become an exporter of sustainably grown hardwood plantation timber.
Both international and Australian states report that a shortage of hardwoods is on the way and could mean increased prices for consumers.
The decline comes, for example in Australia, in line with the nationwide reduction of native forests available for harvest over the past 20 years. This has reportedly dropped from 10 million hectares to 5.5 million. It also comes despite a number of forestry agreements around the country, designed to reduce reliance on state forests and increase investment in sustainable plantations.
The outlook is particularly dire in Queensland, says Timber Queensland chief executive Mick Stephens, because about 40 per cent of the state’s supply will be untouchable by 2024 under an agreement signed in 1999 to end all state forest logging.
The agreement came with a huge investment in a hardwood plantation program but Stephens is pessimistic about whether the plantation resource will be productive enough in time to fill the supply void left by state forest closures.
“We’d need to be planting a lot of those areas now to get that resource required!” said Stephens.
Here at Melanesian Waterfront Real Estate Ltd we do have a perfect answer but we require international investors in order to tool up for higher export production.
Via Vanuatu Sustainable Timber from US$55,000 you can participate in the opportunity which is offered to sophisticated investors. Also through this investment you can be eligible for residency in Vanuatu (subject to Vanuatu government approval of the individual from Vanuatu Investment Promotion Authority.)
Cordia (Bocote) is a beautifully figured “out of the box” product, as this sample shows
I can also tell you leading architects say that their clients are becoming increasingly scrupulous with building product choices and more concerned about the provenance of the materials being used for their buildings.
“There are some clients who need it for particular types of certifications that they’re obliged to have … in terms of ensuring timber is sustainably procured,” one architect said. “Whether it comes from overseas or locally, it’s the same standards that apply.”
Our Vanuatu plantations were planted 30 years ago and have certification that the timber comes from a sustainable source.
So listen in to the podcast for more details on how you can jump on this amazing opportunity.
Richard Butler
p.s. We have included more pictures of Cordia in use in the show notes. Here’s your direct link:
p.p.s. We have done several years of market research to fully appreciate the relative risk of the project. With the worldwide timber shortage, and having a unique product, as exporters we are well placed with imported hardwood for a superior price
Project Manager
Trade Commissioner for Vanuatu to Australia
Phone +61 417 007 792 (in Australia, 0417 007 792)
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