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022: 20-20 vision? …or ‘Vision for 2020!’ | Melanesian Waterfront Real Estate

Bonus Citizenship

Do you have a vision for 2020?

Perhaps a little too early for you, seeing as we’re several days away from the new decade of 2020.  Here at Vanuatu Dreaming we believe that for approved applicants, we have the ‘Deal of the Decade’.
Everybody’s been talking about Cyber Monday, Black Friday, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day sales…  (Yawn!)  We’ve come up with…
 A discount of over 160k for property investors that have 20-20 vision for the new decade.
Yes, the deal is for the new decade. This offer will run until the 10 packages have been sold.
The development company for Malekula Farmlets has created 10 packages of 10 x passive-income-generating 1-acre Farmlets, with some generous inclusions… to have a single passport and citizenship and also an international company so that you can operate your business out of the Republic of Vanuatu.  All subject to approved applicants of course.

In this podcast Lance asks the hard question:  “Can we really afford to give a bonus with USD160k value?”  But you need to listen to the podcast to hear Richard’s answer…


Download MP3

Mentioned in this podcast…

Phone Richard on +61 2 8007 3803 (Sydney, Australia)
Phone Lance on +61 7 3040 9977 (yes, he’s in Vanuatu but this is an Australian Skype number)

South Pacific Plantations

My Vanuatu Passport

Melanesian Waterfront Real Estate Limited website

What’s the weather like at the Pacific Haven Resort site on magnificent Teouma Bay. via Port Vila today?

Melanesian Waterfront Real Estate Limited, the owner of the AllAboutVanuatu.com informational website,  does not provide investment, tax or legal advice, and nothing available at www.allaboutvanuatu.com or any communications from the MWREL team members or related groups should be taken as such. MWREL does do not represent any foreign government nor are agents of any foreign government. Before undertaking any action, be sure to discuss your options with a qualified advisor.